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Volume 1 – Issue 2 – 2021

Original Research Article

Sustainable Food Systems Shaped By Disruptive Innovations And Technologies, And Opportunities In The Blue Economy

Saleem Mustafa1*, John Hill2

1Borneo Marine Research Institute, University Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, (MALAYSIA)
2La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria 3086, (AUSTRALIA)

PAGE NO: 97-108 


Food systems need to transform in order to achieve food security. The complexities of multiple issues which surround food security underscore the need to articulate a holistic vision based on informed analysis, meaningful action and policy coherence. Of vital importance is managing the trade-offs in food security, especially with respect to balancing the nutritional significance of food against the environmental costs of its production. This requires creating affordable options and exploring synergies while driving transitions towards the three pillars of sustainable development. Efficient food production on land or in water depends on critical functions of the ecosystem. Impairment of these functions affects the sustainability of the food system. Given the increasing pressures on land resources, new approaches are necessary to reduce meat consumption, and to invest in ‘blue growth’ through sustainable fisheries and ecological aquaculture through structured national programs of action. In this context, the potential of seaweeds in supporting low-carbon farming of functional food should be explored. Experiential knowledge and technological innovations can be blended to create opportunities for expanding the concept of sustainable food systems. Also, the scope of digital solutions deserves to be exploited for food production and processing, quality control and delivery. Mobilization of expertise in institutions of higher education towards green technology and policy formulation to promote sustainable food solutions will accelerate the process of transformation. Establishing priorities and identifying indicators of progress and expected outcomes are the essential components of these efforts.