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Volume 3 – Issue 1 – 2022
Original Research Article
Integration Of Bioinspired Artificial Channels For The Concept Design Of An Artificial Kidney Device
A. Alayoud
Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, IBN ZOHR University, Agadir, (MOROCCO)
PAGE NO: 01-12
ABSTRACT – DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.47204/EBR.3.1.2022.001-012
Recently, there has been a great interest in the possible applications of synthetic transporters that mimic the structures and functions of natural ion channels for liquid separations, water purification, and biosensing. Here we propose, for the first time, the use of selective polymer membranes incorporated by synthetic artificial carriers combined with existing dialysis technologies to create a synthetic nephron. Consistent with the renal physiology, the proposed system has 3 distinct sections, replicating the glomerular filtration and tubular functions (secretion and reabsorption) and may represent a breakthrough in renal replacement therapy based on the functioning of native kidneys. Thus, this design can be used to manufacture a dialysis machine, with technical features capable of allowing dialysis treatment without ultrapure water or concentrate.