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Volume 3 – Issue 2 – 2022

Original Research Article

Evaluation Of Fatigue Behavior Of Modified Asphalt Binders Using Of Dissipated Energy Approach

Mohammadreza Seif1, Massoumeh Abbasi2*

1Department of Civil, Shahryar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahryar, (IRAN)
2Department of Chemistry, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran (IRAN)

PAGE NO: 116-123


This study was focused on characterizing modified asphalt performance using SBS and CR in comparing of the unmodified asphalt binder. The part of aim of this research is to examine the efficiency of dissipated energy approach at evaluating fatigue performance of asphalt binders at linear and non-linear strain levels. For determination of the strain levels, strain sweep test was applied so that the behavior of asphalt binders is linear at strain level of 1% and is nonlinear at more than 1%. I addition, time sweep test was used to assess fatigue behavior of asphalt binders. The experimental results clearly show that the presence of additives improve the fatigue life asphalt binders significantly without adverse effect on other properties of it. The results reveal that fatigue behavior of asphalt binders changed with strain level increase in both of neat and modified asphalt binders. This study also illustrates that dissipated energy is capable of being in fatigue analysis of asphalt pavements.