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Volume 5 – Issue 1 – 2023

Original Research Article

Phase Equilibrium In Quaternary Water-Salt System With The Presence Of Fullerenol-24 C60(OH)24 – GdCl3 – TbCl3 – H2O And Subsystems At 25°C

Nikolay A.Charykov1,2,3, Victor A.Keskinov1, Anastasiya A.Gur’eva3, Valeria P.German3
Natalia A.Kulenova1, Dmitriy G.Letenko4, Dmitriy I.Subbotin3

1East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Center “Veritas”, Ust-Kamenogorsk city, Republic of Kazakhstan, 070004, A.K. Protozanov Street, 69, (RUSSIA)
2Electrotechnical University «LETI», St. Petersburg, Russia, 197376, Professora Popova str. 5, (RUSSIA)
3Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), St. Petersburg, Russia, 190013, Moskovskii Pr., 26, (RUSSIA)
4Saint Petersburg State Architecture and Construction University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 190005, 2 Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., 4, (RUSSIA)

PAGE NO: 41-53


The solubility diagram of the quaternary water-salt system with the presence of fullerenol-24: C60(OH)24 – GdCl3 – TbCl3 – H2O and ternary subsystems: C60(OH)24 – GdCl3 – H2O; C60(OH)24 – TbCl3 – H2O; GdCl3 – TbCl3 – H2O, at 25°C was studied by the method of isothermal saturation in ampoules. A continuous series of solid solutions of isovalent substitution GdxTb1-xCl3 · 6H2O crystallize in quaternary system and ternary subsystem GdCl3 – TbCl3 – H2O. The solubility diagrams in ternary subsystems C60(OH)24 – GdCl3 – H2O; C60(OH)24 – TbCl3 – H2O are simple eutonics, consist of 2 branches of crystallization of C60(OH)24 · 18H2O and GdCl3 · 6H2O and TbCl3 · 6H2O, correspondingly. The solubility diagrams in ternary subsystem GdCl3 – TbCl3 – H2O consists of the single branch of crystallization of solid solutions GdxTb1-xCl3 · 6H2O without the miscibility gap. The solubility diagrams in quaternary system C60(OH)24 – GdCl3 – TbCl3 – H2O also consists of the single branch of crystallization of solid solutions GdxTb1-xCl3 · 6H2O and C60(OH)24 · 18H2O simultaneously. Components salts distribution diagram between liquid and solid solutions in quaternary system with fullerenol-24 demonstrates noticeably more favorable opportunities for recrystallization separation of salt components Gd-Tb, compared with ternary subsystem without fullerenol-24: GdCl3 – TbCl3 – H2O at 25°C.