Volume 2 – Issue 1 – 2021
Effect Of The Quantity Of Bio Resins On The Acoustic Performance Of Agro Waste Enset Woven Fabric Reinforced Composite
Alhayat Getu Temesgen1*, Recep Eren1, Yakup Aykut1, Omprakash Sahu2
1Department of Textile Engineering, GSNAS, Bursa Uludag University, Bursa, (TURKEY)
2Department of Chemical Engineering, UIE Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab, (INDIA)
PAGE NO: 43-49 – https://dx.doi.org/10.47204/EMSR.2.1.2021.43-49
This research work focused on acoustic properties of enset woven fabric reinforced composite structures. Acacia and Freakiness natural gums were used as bio resin. The acoustic performance of enset fabrics were measured by independent tube methods for sound wave of 1-6.5 kHz. The sound absorption coefficient of enset fabric reinforced structure was affected by percentage (quantity) of enset fabric and bio matrix used. The amount of bio resin used had a positive effect on the sound absorption property of enset fabric reinforced composite structure by shifting the peak regions of the maximum sound absorption coefficient values from higher tomediumsound absorption region. Enset fabric reinforced green composite structures not only had outstanding sound absorption capacity but also had a very wide sound absorbing range of operating frequency from 2000 to 5500 Hz. Utilization of bio resins and enset fibers as acoustic materials play significant role for the decreasing of global warming by substitute petrochemical fibers and matrices used in acoustic application without affecting the desired sound absorption and mechanical properties.