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Volume 2 – Issue 2 – 2021

Original Research Paper

Application Of Materials Science To Celestial Matter, III: Geomagnetism, Astromagnetism And Earth’s Internal Heat Source

Jean-Louis Crolet1*, Bijan Kermani2, Jean-Louis Benoit-Guyod3

1PhD at the University of Paris-Orsay (France), former corrosion–materials expert at Total, 36 Chemin Mirassou, 64140, Lons (FRANCE)
2Visiting Professor, Leeds University (UK)
3Emeritus Professor, Grenoble University (FRANCE)

PAGE NO: 108-130


As previously in astrophysics, the nature and features of the metallic state have never been updated in earth physics. Especially, the unprecedented consideration of an axifugal force on free electrons is able to explain the direct generation of a magnetic field in any large spinning sphere of solid or liquid metal, through the generation of inertial stray currents. In particular, this new mechanism no longer needs the hundred-years-old postulate of a “dynamo effect”, i.e. a possible self-induction effect in the convection loops which might be present in the outer core of liquid iron. In addition, all that is known on paleomagnetism can now be explained, such as the extreme quickness of magnetic inversions. For the first time, the energy dissipation by the Joule effect of these stray currents is also able to explain all that is known in paleoclimatology, i.e. the permanence and outstanding constancy of Earth’s internal heat source. Recent magnetohydrodynamic experiments in liquid sodium are also reinterpreted (“VKS” experiments). Actually, they could likewise be explained by a mere axifugal force on free electrons, and this can similarly be explained as to why and when a magnetic field is observed. For sorting out the correct root cause, four discriminating experimental variants are proposed.