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Volume 1 – Issue 1 – 2021

Original Research Article

HPLC Versus CE In The Quantification Of Isomers In Fruit Jelly – A Comparative Analysis Beyond The Obvious

Marcelo A. Prado

University of Campinas – UNICAMP, (BRAZIL)


PAGE NO: 32-42


HPLC and CE are equivalent quantitative techniques, but this comparison is extremely superficial, with no parameters that should be considered when choosing analytical techniques, such as analytical costs, times, composition, and waste generated. This work makes a comparative analysis of the techniques considering other aspects of the separation of isomers of ascorbic acid in jellies. The quantitative results were equivalent, which was already expected, but the EC proved to be more efficient, with 50% less analytical final time, lower reagent expenditures, and less toxic. The final cost of the HPLC was in the order of liters and in the EC of mL, being a much higher financial cost for routine analyzes. This demonstrates the EC’s capabilities, but also its ecological appeal. Therefore, it is necessary to think globally when choosing which technique is most advantageous for a particular type of analysis.