Kaolin And Bentonite Supported Metallic Catalysts For Selective Semi-Hydrogenation Reaction Of Phenylacetylene
Rokhsana Ismail1, Wael Qasem Almaqtri2, Mohammed Hassan3,4*
1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Aden University, Aden, (YEMEN)
2Faculty of Medical Lab. (Department of Chemistry), Jibla University for Medical and Health Sciences, Ibb, (YEMEN)
3Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, Ibb University, Ibb, (YEMEN)
4Department of Basic Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Philadelphia University, (JORDAN)
PAGE NO: 22-29
ABSTRACT – DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.47204/EMSR.1.1.2020.022-029
Kaolin and Bentonite clays supported metal ions Ce, Pd and Pt, have been used to catalyze hydrogenation reaction of phenylacetylene. The purpose was to fabricate natural clay-based catalysts for selective hydrogenation of phenylacetylene to styrene. The reaction was performed into hydrogenation reactor connected to gas chromatography. Chemical composition of both clays was analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and their particle size and BET surface area were measured. Both clays were found to be with high Si/Al ratios with Bentonite more Iron rich than Kaolin. Kaolin based catalysts showed higher catalytic activity and semi-hydrogenation selectivity compared to bentonite-based. Particularly, Pd/Kaolin exhibited a high conversion rate and styrene selectivity close to those reported for Lindlar catalysts.