Registration Details    
Govt. of India Trust : E/11049/Rajkot
Income tax of India 80G : AADTK8161HF20221
Income tax of India 12A : AADTK8161HE20217

Exploratory Environmental Science Research

Volume 2 – Issue 1 – 2021

Original Research Article

Global Climate Change And Its Regional Impacts In Azerbaijan

Institute of Geography named after H.Aliyev of ANAS, Baku, H.Javid ave. 115, (AZERBAIJAN)

PAGE NO: 95-102


The article provides a research analysis of climate change in Azerbaijan based on scientific-historical and real hydrometeorological data. All the analyses made based on real data and uses stationary observations on meteorological network of Azerbaijan. The meteorological network covers all mountain areas, with various attitudes. Climate change impacts on a river flow were assess making statistical analyses. The real results obtained based on long-term observations and scientific facts have theoretical and practical significance and can be used in developing mitigation and adaptation measures.