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Exploratory Environmental Science Research

Volume 1 – Issue 2 – 2020

Original Research Article

Geobotanical Prospecting for Underwater Deposits in Desert and Semi Arid Region. Patagonia Argentina by Remote Sensing Studies

Javier Ulibarrena1*, Adolfo Rojo2

1Ex Investigador en Sensores Remotos, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo,
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, (ARGENTINA)
2Ex Profesional de apoyo a la Investigación, CIC- Universidad Nacional de la Plata Facultad
de Ciencias Naturales, Cátedra de Hidrogeología, La Plata, (ARGENTINA)

PAGE NO: 190-200


The relationship between natural vegetation and the presence of groundwater, particularly in arid regions, is a well known fact. The distribution of certain vegetable species in different environments, the topographic position and the sanitary state of the vegetation can indicate those areas have possibilities of carrying potable water in the grounds and rocks. This study was carried out in the vicinities of Puerto Deseado in the Argentine Patagonia. This region, with warm climate and high pluvial precipitations millions of years ago, is undergoing a constant severe desertification due to the formation of the Andes mountain range. At present, the annual rain is not over 250 mm and dry West-Southwest winds are constant.

The study, a combination of geobotanical observation techniques performed on satellite images, together with a field survey, allowed the identification of several potable water springs (about 50). Reddish spots were detected through the visual analysis of various Landsat 4 images, infrared 7, 5, 4 (RGB) version, which in infrared combination indicate vegetation. They are located on the surface of Tehuelches formation in defined topographic positions, from which the presence of water in the subsurface could be deduced. The Rodados Tehuelches formation constitute the most accessible rainwater and nival reservoir.