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Exploratory Environmental Science Research

Volume 1 – Issue 2 – 2020


Discussing The Environmental Issues of Taiwan’s National Parks to Explore Sustainable Development Strategies

Ho-Shu Chou

Department of Urban Planning and Landscape, National Quemoy University, Taiwan, (R.O.C)

PAGE NO: 208-211


Taiwan has a complex, fragmented, and sensitive natural and cultural ecosystems. With the rise of the concept of “sustainable development” and “eco-tourism”, how should the national park establish an ecological environment that integrate “conservation, recreation, and research”? This research wants to explore the problems and countermeasures of the sustainable development of Taiwan’s national parks. The first problem of the sustainable development is “ecosystem fragmentation”. For Taiwan’s natural ecological environment, continuous fragmentation will increasingly deviate from “sustainable development”. “The status of sustainable development is even out of balance. The second problem of the sustainable development is “dynamic ecological balance.” Sustainable development requires not only the dynamics of trends, but also the environmental structure and characteristics of trends in order to understand and manage them. Therefore, the first sustainability issue of Taiwan’s national parks is “suitability”, which interprets multi-faceted, locality, and suitability into the planning concepts and frameworks. So, the sustainable development strategy is “planning frameworks using landscape patterns.” The second sustainability issue is “dynamics”, which interprets the instability of the environmental foundation, systemic and balanced variability into the planning strategies. So, the sustainable development strategy is “planning strategies for diversified environments”.