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Volume 1 – Issue 1 – 2020


Anaerobic/Aerobic Sequential Treatment Of Chloramphenicole Antibiotic Using Anaerobic Baffled And Aerobic Sludge Reactors

Delýa Teresa Sponza*, Seçil Tüzün

Dokuz Eylül University, Engineering Faculty, Environmental Engineering Department,
Buca Kaynaklar Campus, Týnaztepe, BUCA-ÝZMÝR, (TURKEY)

PAGE NO: 115-159


In this study  a sequential anaerobic baffled (ABR) and  an aerobic completely sirred sludge reactor (CSTR) system was used to treat the chloramphenicole antibiotic at different  HRTs. The maximum COD removal efficiency was 94,40% until HRT of 19,2 days. The maximum total, methane gas and methane percentage were found as 547,2 L/day, 504 L/dayand 58%, respectively, atthech loramphenicole concentration of 130 mg/L in ABR. The total gas and methane gas production rates increased from 259,2 to 547,2 L/day and from 216 to 489,6 L/day, respectively as the HRT was decreased from 38,4 days to 19,2 days. Meanwhile the methane percentages increased from 38% up to 58%, until at a HRT of 12,8 days. However the methane percentages decreased from 58% to 42% as the HRT decreased from 12,8 to 7,68 days.The COD removal efficiency in sequential anaerobic ABR/aerobic CSTR reactor syste mas 98,12% at a HRT of 19,2 days. For maximum COD removal efficiency (E=98,12%) the optimum HRT was found as 19,2 days. In Daphnia magna acute toxicity test the wastewater containing 130 mg/L of chloramphenicole concentration was found to be toxic (% inhibition = 100%) in the influent of anaerobic ABR /aerobic CSTR reactor system. The acute toxicity reduction in sequential ABR/ CSTR reactor system effluent was 95% at a HRT of 38,4 days. The kinetic constants in the Monod and Grau kinetic models were found to be meaning full for chloramphnicole degradation. Y and Ks was 13,532 mgVSS/mgCOD and 0,071 mg/L, respectively with high regression coefficient (R2=0,98) for Monod kinetic model. Similarly, the ks and a was 0,055 day-1 and 1,2975 day, respectively with high regression coefficient (R2=0,98) in Grau kinetic model for chloramphenicole removal.