Volume 1 – Issue 1 – 2020
Impact Of Climate Change On Soil And Crop Productivity- Possible Mitigatory And Adaptation Strategies
Cosmas Parwada1*, Charles Karavina2, Handsen Tibugari3, Ronald Mandumbu2, Justin Chipomho4, Nyamande Mapope4
1Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Women’s University in Africa,
P.O. Box 1175, Marondera, (ZIMBABWE)
2Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Agriculture, Department of Crop Science, Bindura University of
Science Education, P. Bag 1020, Bindura, (ZIMBABWE)
3Faculty of Life Sciences, Gwanda State University, P.O. Box 30, Filabusi, (ZIMBABWE)
4Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and
Technology, P.O. Box 35, Marondera, (ZIMBABWE)
PAGE NO: 18-37
ABSTRACT – DOI : https://dx.doi.org/10.47204/EESR.1.1.2020.018-037
Climate change is a critical global issue to such an extent that it is considered the worst challenge for humankind in the present day. It is imperative to consider specific prevailing conditions of a particular area in planning and designing climate change mitigatory and adaptation strategies. No one is immune to the devastating effects of climate change, therefore it requires a collective action to tackle the problem. Changes in climate are slow in nature and inevitable so adaptation is seen as a viable option in reducing the vulnerability to anticipated negative impacts of climate change. Now, at global level, it is increasingly realized that mitigation and adaptation should be perused complement to each other. The effects of climate change on human activities are complex hence difficult to quantify. Severity of climate change depends on the country or region in question therefore generalising these effects result in the ineffective implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies. The changing climate will have significant effects on soil and crop productivity thereby impacting on food security hence the needy for quantification. Climate change has an impact in all the crop production stages therefore has to be well understood in order to enhance productive. Quantification of climate change impacts on crop and soil productivity will assist in developing sound mitigation and adaptation strategies. Increase of temperatures and atmospheric carbon concentration might have both the negative and positive effects on crop productivity. Humankind has to capitalise on increased productivity under climate change but mitigate and adapt to its negative impacts.