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Volume 1 – Issue 1 – 2021


Comparison Of Microbial Phytases For Their Efficacy In Food And Feed Industries

Ikram-ul-Haq*, Ali Nawaz, Muhammad Ammar Javed, Fatima Akram, Hamid Mukhtar

Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College University, Lahore, 5400, (PAKISTAN)

PAGE NO: 36-52


Phytate possesses a threat to animals and humans because it behaves like an anti-nutrient in diet and bind minerals, amino acids, and proteins making them unavailable to the body. Monogastric animals do not possess endogenous phytase. Therefore, exogenous phytases are supplemented in their diets. Phytase is a phytate-specific phosphatase that hydrolyzes phytate in poultry, swine, fish and humans. Phytase can be obtained from animals, plants and microorganisms but for industrial purposes microbial sources are preferred. Phytase have been extensively used in feed industry to enhance the absorption and digestion of phosphorus, calcium and other micronutrients and reduce phosphorus pollution. Certain techniques likes food processing is implied to increase the applications of phytase in food industry. This review illustrates the efficiency of different microbial phytases that are been progressively used in feed preparation for poultry, swine and fish. It also involves the use of different phytases in preparation of food like break making, fermentation foods and human nutritional foods.