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Volume 1 – Issue 1 – 2021


Role And Mechanism Of Soil Fertilization By Microorganisms

Mostafa M. Abo Elsoud*, Sayeda A. Abdelhamid, Salma M. Abdelnasser

Microbial Biotechnology Department, National Research Centre, Giza, (EGYPT)

PAGE NO: 22-35


The increase in human population resulted in widening the area of urbanization and industrialization which threatens the available agriculture lands leading to deficiency of nutritional crops. The birth of cultivable (fertile) soil from desert or a land after volcanic eruption requires reclamation (rehabilitation). This is to retrieve the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the land (substrate) that make it suitable for plant growth. There are no border lines between fertile and non-fertile soil. The degree of fertility (conditions of the soil) determines its suitability for a certain plant growth. However, the exact microbial composition associated with plants and their potential role in agricultural has recently started to be uncovered. During the last few years, a great progress has been made to uncover the composition of rhizospheric microbiomes and their dynamic reactions. The issue of reduction in cultivable soil and food deficiency arise the need for a code of soil fertility based on massive researches and statistical analysis of the obtained data.