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Volume 1 – Issue 2 – 2021

Original Research Article

Phytochemical Screening And Analysis Of The Terminalia Arjuna Wight & Arn Leaf Extracts – A Spectroscopic Approach

Kamat Vishal Vinayak1, Bhalchandra P. Kamat*1, V. S. Bheemreddy2

1P.G Department of studies in General Chemistry, JSS Banashankari Arts, Commerce and
S.K. Gubbi Science College, Dharwad, Karnataka, (INDIA)
2Department of Botany, JSS Banashankari Arts, Commerce and S K Gubbi Science College, Dharwad, Karnataka, (INDIA)

PAGE NO: 102-107


In ancient India medicinal plants were used as source drugs to cure many critical diseases. Terminalia arjuna has been used as a medicinal plant from ages because of its various properties. Barks, roots, fruits, buds, leaves and other parts of plant are used to cure several ailments. Selection of the optimal solvent system for extraction of phytochemicals from the leaves of Terminalia arjuna and identification of the phytochemicals in these extracts was performed. The phytochemical content of the Terminalia arjuna leaves was isolated by soxhlet extraction of the dried leaves using distilled water, methanol, 70% ethanol, and acetone. The extract obtained from the leaves of T. arjuna was determined by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. In the present work, FT-IR spectral analysis of the leaf extract of T. arjuna illustrated the presence of phytochemicals carrying hydrogen bonded –OH, -NH, C=O and –COOH functional groups. The hydroxyl functional group seems to be an integral part of phenolic phytochemicals and also the presence of various biologically active functional groups, viz. alcoholic, amide, carbonyl and carboxylic groups confirms that the plant possesses bioactive phytochemicals. Even UV-vis spectral study was done which showed bathochromic shift in spectra of extract from that of solvent absorbance. The extract of leaves contained saponins, tannin, phenols, proteins, quinones and terpenoids. Thus to conclude, different plants and their formulations have been used in ayurveda to cure diseases for several decades.