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Govt. of India Trust : E/11049/Rajkot
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Volume 2 – Issue 1 – 2021

Temperature Dependence of AgIn13S20 Single Crystal Band Gap

I.V.Bodnar1, A.A.Feschenko1*, V.V.Khoroshko1, V.N.Pavlovskii2, I.E.Svitsiankou2, G.P.Yablonskii2

1Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk, (BELARUS)
2Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, (BELARUS)

PAGE NO: 37-42 – DOI:


AgIn13S20 single crystals were grown by the vertical Bridgman method. The grown crystals composition was determined by X-ray spectroscopy analysis; the crystal structure was determined by X-ray method. It was shown, that AgIn13S20 compound crystallize in the cubic spinel structure. The band gaps of the obtained single crystals were estimated from transmittance spectra in the temperature range of 10-320 K. The band gap values decreased with temperature.