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Volume 3 – Issue 1 – 2022

Original Research Article

Wastewater Treatment Plant Assessment And Potential Reuse: A Case Study In Hodeidah (Yemen)

Abdulbari A. Ahmad1*, Ali B. AL-Zubaidy1, Hani A. Dammag2

1Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hodeidah University, (YEMEN)
2Department of Chemistry, Facility of Science, Sana’a University, (YEMEN)

PAGE NO: 028-035


Using waste stabilization ponds for wastewater treatment is an effective, low-cost, and low-maintenance operation. All surface water and groundwater resources in Yemen are being exploited beyond the recharge level, resulting in a water crisis. Reusing treated wastewater for irrigation could mitigate this water crisis. Analyzing the quality raw and treated wastewater of Hodeidah city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) by waste stabilization ponds is the objective of this study. A comparison of the results of pH, EC, SS, COD and BOD5 with Yemen and international standards shows that WWTP influent and effluent meet acceptable standard limits for irrigation. According to the wastewater parameters analyzed, the suspended solids, COD, and BOD5 levels in influent and effluent were 380-180, 757-175 and 450-84 mg/l, respectively. As a result, the wastewater treatment plant in Hodeidah city can be used for unrestricted irrigation as it poses a low risk of impacting the surrounding environment.