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Volume 6 – Issue 2 – 2024

Original Research Article

High Temperature Electromechanical Coupling Conversion And Piezoelectric Charge Constant In (Na0.5Bi0.5)(NdxTi(1-2x)Nbx)O3 Piezoelectric Ceramics


Syed Mahboob1*, Rizwana2

1Department of Physics, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, Telangana, (INDIA)
2Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal, Hyderabad-500043, Telangana, (INDIA)

PAGE NO: 115-121


(Na0.5Bi0.5)(NdxTi(1-2x)Nbx)O3 ceramics were prepared by solid-state synthesis. Impedance/modulus measurements were carried out over a wide range of frequency (1KHz-1MHz) and at constant temperature (848-898K) using AUTOLAB PGSTAT 30 low frequency impedance analyzer. The values of activation energy are 1.975 eV, 1.881 eV & 2.232 eV for x = 0.0125, 0.025 & 0.05 respectively. These activation energies are attributed to the different type of defects present in the sample for example oxygen vacancies, A site and Ti vacancies. The value of d33 are 37.68 nm.V-1, 16.81 nm.V-1 & 13.55 nm.V-1 at 848K, 873K & 898K respectively for x = 0.0125. The value of d33 are 29.52 nm.V-1, 37.99 nm.V-1 & 17.16 nm.V-1 at 848K, 873K & 898K respectively for x = 0.025. The value of d33 are 23.05 nm.V-1, 18.89 nm.V-1 & 10.62 nm.V-1 at 848K, 873K & 898K respectively for x = 0.05. The higher values of d33 are attributed to higher operating temperatures. The higher values of d33 are also attributed to unknown but constant applied stress due to use of zig for electromechanical studies.