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Volume 6 – Issue 2 – 2024

Original Research Article

Sustainable Applications Of Saffron Natural Dye On Wool Fibers Pretreated With Natural Products For Production Of Smart Textiles


N.F.Ali1*, E.M.El-Khatib2, I.S.Abd El Salam3

1Dyeing and printing Department, Textile research and technology Institute, National research centre, Cairo, (EGYPT)
2Protenic andman made Fibers Department, Textile Research and technology Institute, National Research Center, Cairo, (EGYPT)
3Chemistry of Natural and Microbial Products Department, Pharmaceutical and Drug Research Institute, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, (EGYPT)

PAGE NO: 122-129


Unique characteristics of nanoparticles include their high surface activity, surface-active multicenter, and huge surface to volume ratio. Excellent physicochemical qualities are possessed by nanomaterials. Wool fibers were treated in an environmentally friendly manner to improve their antibacterial and dyeability Pretreatments of wool fibers dyed with saffron natural dye involve the use of chitosan and chitosan/nano silver nitrate composite.
Tensile strength, wool fiber fastness characteristics, and color strength (K/S) were assessed. The outcomes demonstrated that this treatment enhanced the wool fibers’ antimicrobial activity, dyeability, and smoothness of surface. The color strength of pretreated wool fibers was higher than that of untreated fibers.
Pretreated dyed wool fibers have a stronger colorfastness than untreated ones. The pretreated fibers showed a larger inhibition zone than the untreated fibers, according to the antimicrobial activity results. Adding a chitosan/nano silver nitrate combination to the wool’s surface creates functional groups that are additive and increase its hydrophilicity. Antimicrobial activity characteristics test indicated that the percentage of reduction against E. coli was higher than S. aureus bacteria. In the view of anti-odor test, an average of odor reduction was attained in the most samples. FTIR spectra of samples indicated the interaction of nanoparticles with amide groups. This work displayed using of mentioned nanoparticles can reach multifunctional handmade carpets.